Mike Rice: Nasty Character (Digital release) ★★★★☆

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‘It’s a great time for nasty men…’ Mike Rice says in the opening segment of his hour-long comedy special, recorded at Blackfriars Glasgow in August last year and now free to stream on YouTube. Has it ever not been a great time for nasty men?

Rice reckons he’s one of them – and he singles a few other audience members out as members of the same gang. Nasty little men are having an Indian summer, he says, thanks to the exploits of Barry Keoghan in the movie Saltburn.

As with many comedy specials, this idea of nasty characters only partially frames the show. In fact, Rice’s experiences as an ex-pat inform much of the comedy, and are perhaps even more effective as he funnels the differences he has noticed living in England into the hour’s funniest moments.

Much of the hour outside of this is very close to the bone but you know what you’re in for with Rice from the outset – the special opens with the crowd chanting ‘paedo’ and the jokes at the expense of figures such as Prince Andrew continue from there. He’s certainly not aiming for mass appeal but audiences who enjoy the risqué you’ll find a lot to love.

Rice’s performance is quite physical and the most evocatively conjured character in the show is Rice’s impression of his landlord who needs no opportunity to provide “a masterclass in Irish misery” and who Rice attempts to out-misery. Director Pete Wells tries to capture Rice’s jerking movements as he swivels to face different sides of the audience as he unfurls a joke, but we find ourselves with mental whiplash with multiple cuts across just a few seconds as we follow Rice’s gaze around the room.

Rice is finding social media success with Mike & Vittorio’s Guide to Parenting, the podcast he co-hosts with fellow London-based Irish comedian Vittorio Angelone but his on-stage work shows his true potential – provided you’re not too easily offended.

Rating: ★★★★☆ (Very good)

Mike Rice: Nasty Character is streaming now