Gecko review – Glastonbury Festival 2024

Gecko (right) in Poetry&Words. Photo: Charles Gervais, Both Hemispheres Photography.

Gecko is an in-demand man – which is ironic given that his set doesn’t demand too much of his audience, even with its light audience participation. We drop in on his 11:30 am set on Glastonbury’s closing day – his eighth of nine sets across the weekend at the festival.

As The Zuton’s rock out on the Other Stage, Gecko is offering a little bit of chill in Poetry&Words with his upbeat rap to ease us into the day. It’s the lyrical equivalent of Joe Wick’s fitness session on The Gateway on Thursday, Gecko warming us up with a call and response that praises both the Poetry&Words tent and its availability of bean bags for a soft seat to take the weight off weary legs.

By the end of Sunday, I’ll have wracked up almost 150,000 steps over five days at the festival, running from the Circus Big Top to Atchin Tan to Poetry&Words to Cabaret to The Astrolabe Theatre and back again – the bean bags deserve the praise.

It’s another light-hearted set, Gecko’s often irreverent humour also offering a serious look at the world, including in a song about the advice he offered his former nursery after making the big jump to primary school (“it’s pretty hard going”) that holds life lessons for anyone.

He’s also crowd-funding for a new album and plays us a jingle he’s written for potential investors, and no set would be complete without his viral TikTok hit Baby Cheetah which holds 2.4 million views. It’s a fun, laidback way to set you up for a final day on Worthy Farm.

Gecko was performing in Poetry&Words at Glastonbury Festival 2024, running from 26 to 30 June

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