Off Broadway hit Titanique has announced the cast of its West End transfer, which opens in London’s Criterion Theatre on 9 December. Co-written by Tye Blue, Marla Mindelle and Constantine Rousouli, the play recalls events from the blockbuster film Titanic, starring Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet, from Céline Dion’s point of view.
The cast features a wealth of West End experience including Jordan Luke Gage (Bonnie & Clude) as Cal, Layton Williams (Everybody’s Talking About Jamie) as the Iceberg, Lauren Drew (Six) as Céline Dion, Rob Houchen (Les Misérables) as Jack. The cast also features Kat Ronney as Rose, whose previous roles have included the musical Hex at the National Theatre.
Completing the company are Darren Bennett, Stephen Guarino, Charlotte Wakefield, Freddie King, Adrianne Langley, Rodney Vubya and Kristina Walz.